
dimanche 10 mars 2013

Telecharger Football Superstars 95 Gratuit

Telecharger Football Superstars 95 Gratuit

Football Superstars est un jeu gratuit en ligne qui permet à chaque joueur de devenir un footballeur célèbre, reconnu pour son talent et son expérience... Au moins dans un monde virtuel. Un jeu amusant, prenant mais perfectible.

Créer son joueur

Football Superstars se déroule dans un stade virtuel où tous les joueurs du réseau se retrouvent pour progresser ensemble. Il suffit de s'adresser aux bons entraîneurs pour avancer dans le jeu, devenir un joueur plus complet et simplement le meilleur.

Le jeu consiste dans un premier temps à créer son propre joueur virtuel en définissant manuellement ses caractéristiques physiques. Taille du nez, forme des yeux, couleurs de la peau et des cheveux... C'est vous qui décidez à quoi ressemble votre avatar.

Des interlocuteurs clés pour progresser

Football Superstars prend place dans un stade au début où vous rencontrez des coachs qui donnent de précieux conseils. Mais il est tout à fait possible de sortir explorer la rue à la découverte de nouvelles personnes importantes pour le développement de votre joueur (Journaliste, Guide de renommée, de style de vie, etc.)

Ces tutoriels détaillés sont les bienvenus dans un univers aussi vaste. Vous pouvez acheter de nouvelles tenues avec l'argent gagné mais aussi changer de club et faire gonfler votre notoriété. Bien entendu, il faut avant cela passer par des phases d'apprentissage, notamment des matches amicaux pour gagner de l'expérience, passer des paliers.

Contrôles et graphismes: peut mieux faire

Football Superstars, c'est avant tout du foot. Et en cela, le jeu se montre assez déstabilisant avec une façon de contrôler son joueur comme dans un FPS, clavier pour se diriger, passer, tacler, etc et la souris dans l'autre main pour donner l'orientation du trajet.

A moins d'être un as à Call of Duty et consorts, le joueur devrait mettre un peu de temps à s'y retrouver. Brancher une manette change absolument tout.

Football Superstars n'est clairement pas le jeu de l'année en termes de graphisme, mais il reste toutefois très "potable". Je regrette cependant les animations un peu statiques (les filets qui tremblent par exemple) et la raideur des héros en short.

Football Superstars est un jeu intéressant car surfant sur un concept encore assez peu exploré au niveau du sport-roi. La progression individuelle dans un univers hyper-collectif est un point de vue à creuser. Le jeu s'en tire plutôt bien mais aurait pu être plus accrocheur.


Attention, pour jouer à ce jeu, il faut posséder un compte Steam. Le lien de téléchargement mène directement à Steam.

Dernière modification: 14/01/13

Les Plus
  • Tutoriels utiles
  • Progression sur plusieurs points
  • Social et collectif
  • Gratuit
Les Moins
  • Animations minimalistes
  • Contrôle au clavier déroutant


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Telecharger BitTorrent Gratuit

Telecharger BitTorrent Gratuit

BitTorrent est aujourd'hui un des protocoles les plus efficaces pour trouver et échanger des fichiers volumineux sur Internet. Voici le client original dans sa dernière version, même si d'autres programme comme Ares ou Limewire lui font de l'ombre.

Pas de fioritures ici, BitTorrent se concentre sur l'essentiel. Une interface minimaliste, la liste des torrents en cours de chargement ainsi que les infos principales: upload, download, peers, estimation du temps restant.

BitTorrent est un client facile d'accès, où il n'est pas nécessaire de bidouiller dans les préférences avant de l'utiliser. En fait, les mots "bittorrent télécharger" sont deux synonymes.

Ceux qui maîtrisent mieux l'environnement torrent seront vite frustrés. Sorti du choix du port et des limitations des taux d'upload et de download, les options sont rares.

L'interface de BitTorrent n'est pas ou peu personnalisable, les statistiques quasi absentes. Seul un moteur de recherche intégré rajoute un peu de luxe (via la case "search bittorrent").
Dommage aussi qu'il n'existe pas encore de BitTorrent français.

Client simple, stable et sûr, BitTorrent est un programme de choix pour les débutant. Des alternatives plus fournies existent pour les plus aguerris. La meilleure? µTorrent. D'autres préfèreront Azureus ou Ares.

Changements récents
  • Cette version 7 est plus légère que la précédente et comprend: un planificateur d'utilisation de lma bande passante configurable, un outil pour télécharger le contenu des flux RSS ou encorela reprise rapide des transferts interrompus.
Les Plus
  • Pas de spyware
  • Recherche intégrée
  • Configuration aisée
  • Compatible avec le site officiel
Les Moins
  • Interface rigide
  • Statistiques limitées


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Telecharger Skype Gratuit

Telecharger Skype Gratuit

Skype est un logiciel de VoIP et visioconférence gratuit qui a fait ses preuves sur un marché hautement concurrentiel. Appeler ses amis, les voir en direct par webcam interposée, échanger des fichiers et partager son bureau n'a jamais été aussi simple.

Skype 6.1 : les principales nouveautés

? Intégration de Skype dans Outlook
? Support de 6 nouvelles langues (Thailandais, Croate, Slovène, Serbe, Catalan et Slovaque)
? Intégration des comptes Microsoft et Facebook. Vous pouvez désormais utiliser Skype en vous connectant avec vos identifiants Facebook ou Microsoft. Plus besoin de créer un compte Skype!
? Envoi de messages vers vos contact Windows Live Messenger, Hotmail et Outlook possible
? Possibilité de définir des contacts favoris
? Contacts Skype et Facebook combinés dans une seule liste

Télécharger Skype pour se rapprocher

Skype permet d'appeler gratuitement n'importe qui, à la seule condition de l'avoir intégré à sa liste de contacts au préalable via son nom d'utilisateur. Il est possible non seulement de se parler, mais aussi de se voir si vous disposez d'une webcam. La qualité de la connexion influe sur la communication mais le résultat se révèle souvent de grande qualité tant au niveau de l'image que du son.

Skype permet de chatter par écrit avec ses contacts, échanger des fichiers en ligne comme sur MSN, et même partager son écran pour montrer quelque chose à distance à son interlocuteur. Les fiches contacts conservent un historique de tous les échanges effectués entre vous.

Skype permet la visioconférence à plusieurs

Skype est un programme qui se partage. C'est d'autant plus vrai que depuis sa version 5, la visioconférence a plusieurs est possible. Elle peut intégrer jusqu'à 10 personnes dans la même conversation. Pour une excellente qualité de son et d'image, une bande passante (très) élevée est toutefois requise. La vidéo-conférence est gratuite pendant une durée de 7 jours, après lesquels il faut obtenir un compte Skype Premium.

Skype en lien direct avec votre téléphone

Skype ne se contente pas d??uvrer sur votre ordinateur. Il peut également contacter des amis sur leur téléphone fixe et portable pour des appels directs et des échanges de SMS. Cela a toutefois un coût, en crédits Skype. Les offres sont disponibles en ligne, sur le site officiel de Skype.

Une autre fonctionnalité permet d'embarquer Skype directement sur son mobile. Il faut pour cela configurer un numéro Skype To Go qui permet ensuite d'appeler n'importe qui. Très pratique et très économique. Mais Skype existe aussi en application mobile pour une solution gratuite.

Créer un compte Skype: simple comme bonjour

Créer un compte Skype est la première action à mener, directement sur le site de Skype. Vous n'avez besoin de renseigner que quelques informations classiques comme son nom, son sexe, sa ville et son pays.

D'autres informations complémentaires ne sont pas obligatoires, comme le numéro de téléphone mobile. Elles le deviennent si vous utilisez les services payants de Skype. Il ne reste plus qu'à confirmer son inscription par email, le tour est joué.

Télécharger Skype sur iPhone, iPad, Android et Symbian

Skype est gratuit de Skype à Skype, entre utilisateurs possédant un compte. Pour ceux qui veulent profiter de Skype en toute mobilité, sans avoir à payer, il existe des applications Skype officielles sur certains OS mobiles. S'ils nécessitent une connexion Wi-Fi ou 3G, ils poussent cependant la gratuité au-delà de l'ordinateur.

? Télécharger Skype sur iPhone
? Télécharger Skype sur iPad
? Télécharger Skype sur Android
? Télécharger Skype sur Symbian

Notons également que Skype n'est pas l'apanage des utilisateurs de PC et de mobiles puisqu'il existe une version de Skype sur Mac.

Skype et Facebook main dans la main

Skype intègre les contacts Facebook sans effort. Il suffit simplement d'entrer les coordonnées de son compte dans l'interface de Skype, via l'onglet portant le logo du célèbre réseau social. Les contacts qui ont renseigné leur numéro de téléphone apparaissent en haut de la liste, et vous pouvez les appeler quand ils sont connectés.

La partie de droite de l'interface affiche votre flux Facebook avec les actus récentes qui y ont été publiées, votre profil (à compléter avec son nom d'utilisateur Skype) et une page spéciale pour envoyer ses commentaires aux développeurs de l'application.

Skype est un programme indispensable de par son utilité mais aussi sa popularité, ce qui lui donne un coup d'avance sur quelques uns de ses concurrents. Appeler ses amis en vidéo-conférence, c'est gratuit et facile grâce à cet excellent logiciel.

Dernière modification: 16/01/13

Les Plus
  • Vidéo-conférence à 10
  • Intégration du compte Facebook
  • Partage d'écran très simple
  • Chat vidéo de qualité
  • Version française
Les Moins
  • Nécessite une grosse bande passante


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Telecharger CPU-Z 1.63 Gratuit

Telecharger CPU-Z 1.63 Gratuit

CPU-Z est un freeware qui rassemble toutes les informations disponibles sur votre processeur.

Il ne s'arrête pas là et détaille aussi les informations sur la carte mère, le chipset, la mémoire et le système, pour une vue d'ensemble complète des pièces maîtresses de votre ordinateur.

Vous pouvez exporter un rapport aux formats texte et HTML et enregistrer vos informations en ligne pour authentifier vos résultats dans le cas d'un record d'overclocking!

Utile pour connaître les capacités d'overclocking de votre processeur aussi bien que pour des optimisations de réglages matériels, CPU-Z est un incontournable pour tout utilisateur soucieux de tirer le maximum de sa machine.

Changements récents
  • Prend en charge le processeur AMD Phenom II
  • Nouveau support Intel Core i7
  • Supporte les NVIDIA 740i
  • Correction de bugs
Les Plus
  • Logiciel de référence pour l'identification des processeurs et des chipsets
  • Export au formats texte et HTML
Les Moins
  • Tous les matériels ne sont pas reconnus


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Telecharger SUMo Portable Gratuit

Telecharger SUMo Portable Gratuit

SUMo, c'est le diminutif de Software Update Monitor ou Surveillant des mises à jour de logiciel. Comme son nom l'indique, ce programme léger et très pratique vous aide à conserver vos applications à jour. Il se présente ici en version Portable, à lancer depuis une clé USB sur n'importe quel PC sans qu'il soit nécessaire de l'installer sur la machine hôte.

SUMo scanne rapidement votre PC ou le dossier que vous spécifiez et répertorie toutes les applications installées. Il vous indique ensuite si tout est OK, ou si une mise à jour est disponible. Tout est automatique et quelques clics suffisent pour savoir si l'on est à la page.

Très simple à utiliser, SUMo Portable est redoutablement efficace pour détecter les nouvelles versions de vos logiciels préférés. En revanche, contrairement à ce qu'indique le bouton "Téléchargez" dans l'interface, il ne télécharge pas vraiment les mises à jour. Le logiciel ne fait que vous emmener sur la page web concernée et vous devez déclencher le transfert vous-même...

L'un des meilleurs logiciels gratuits disponibles pour vérifier que ses logiciels sont à jour.

Les Plus
  • Détecte de nombreuses mises à jour
  • Gratuit, portable et en français
Les Moins
  • Pas de téléchargement direct des nouvelles versions


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vendredi 8 mars 2013

Telecharger Vuze 4.9.0 Gratuit

Telecharger Vuze 4.9.0 Gratuit

Vuze, anciennement connu sous le nom d'Azureus, est un client Open Source qui permet de télécharger des torrents partout sur le web, sans faire le moindre effort. Et il fait bien plus que cela. Parfait pour tous les publics.

Téléchargements rapides

Vuze se met à la portée de tous puisque tout est accessibles très rapidement dans l'interface du logiciel. L'action se découpe en 3 phases distinctes: Chercher, télécharger, regarder. Les outils permettant cela sont intégrés au programme Vuze. A vous les torrents menant à des fichiers légaux!

Vuze reste fidèle aux qualités qui ont assis sa notoriété: haut niveau de paramétrage pour tirer le meilleur parti de votre bande passante, bonnes options de personnalisation, grande variété de statistiques... Il inclut également un lecteur de flux RSS pour être constamment au courant des derniers torrents disponibles sur le réseau Vuze.

Moteur de recherche intégré

Vuze est un moteur de recherche pour les fichiers torrents qui réunit sous une même interface les résultats de nombreux sites internet pouvant aboutir à un résultat acceptable. Ces derniers sont présentés sous deux formes: Web pour les pages classiques trouvées sur Bing, Meta pour les téléchargements de torrents trouvés sur plusieurs sites dédiés.

Télécharger des torrents s'effectue simplement. Un clic sur le nom du fichier voulu vous mène à la page web en question. Il ne reste plus qu'à cliquer sur le bouton de téléchargement pour envoyer le fichier dans la liste d'acquisition de Vuze.

Lire les vidéos téléchargées et les graver

Vuze n'est pas qu'un simple gestionnaire de téléchargements. Il permet aussi de lire les fichiers audio et vidéo dans un lecteur compatible avec la HD. Un outil de gravure est disponible pour créer des DVD en PAL ou NTSC, avec un ou plusieurs fichiers.

Vuze comprend aussi un outil de conversion pour les fichiers vidéos qui permet d'adapter les fichiers téléchargés à la gamme Apple (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch) ou tout autre type de smartphone branché en USB.

Outils pour améliorer Vuze

Vuze to Go, le Vuze portable
Vuze Ultra Accelerator, pour des téléchargements plus rapides
Vuze Turbo Booster, pour booster les fonctionnalités de Vuze

Vuze, Azureus pour les plus anciens, a plus d'un tour dans son sac. Ce programme est personnalisable, facile à manipuler et plutôt efficace lorsqu'il s'agit de trouver des fichiers légaux. Son problème réside dans la consommation de bande passante qui ralentit votre PC. Allez aussi voir du côté de Veoh TV et Joost pour trouver d'autres alternatives.

Les Plus
  • Importante offre vidéo à portée de clic
  • Belle interface, plus pratique
  • Options de configuration
  • Support de plug-ins
Les Moins
  • Consommation de mémoire
  • Pas assez de bonnes vidéos


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Telecharger Java Development Kit Gratuit

Telecharger Java Development Kit Gratuit

Java Development Kit permet de programmer des applications en Java, une plate-forme de développement compatible avec Mac, Linux et Windows. Le langage créé par Sun Microsystems est apprécié notamment pour cette polyvalence. Le kit de développement existe aussi en version 32-bits.

Ce kit de développement comprend plusieurs outils de programmation dont un compilateur, un débogueur et un compilateur.

Il inclut également l'environnement d'exécution Java, au cas où il ferait défaut sur votre machine.

Java Development Kit regroupe les outils indispensables pour les programmeurs qui veulent s'essayer au Java.


Pour des raisons techniques, nous ne sommes pas en mesure de vous fournir le lien de téléchargement direct. Le bouton "Télécharger" renvoie directement vers le site de l'éditeur.

Dernière modification: 15/01/13

Les Plus
  • Tout en un
  • Gratuit
  • Indispensable pour programmer en Java
  • Pack officiel de Sun Microsystems
Les Moins
  • RAS


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Telecharger Adobe Reader XI 11.0.02 Gratuit

Telecharger Adobe Reader XI 11.0.02 Gratuit

Adobe Reader XI est un logiciel gratuit pour lire, gérer et imprimer les fichiers PDF. Adobe Reader XI, la version 11 du célèbre lecteur de PDF d'Adobe, est présentée comme la plus sûre à ce jour grâce à un nouveau mode protégé qui charge les images, textes et objets en 3D dans un environnement de mémoire à part.

Une interface lissée et repensée

Adobe Reader XI se refait aussi une beauté avec une présentation épurée et attrayante dont les tons gris foncé rappellent les autres applications Pro de l'éditeur. Plus rapide et doté d'une interface plus souple, le lecteur Adobe Reader XI reste long à installer.

Des fonctionnalités avancées pour collaborer et partager des PDF

A l'aise avec les eBooks et les PDF multimédias, Adobe Reader XI accepte aussi les albums multimédias créés depuis Photoshop. Adobe est une grande famille... mais le logiciel peut-il enocre s'imposer face aux multiples concurrents gratuits du marché?

Adobe Reader XI est cependant bien plus qu'un simple lecteur. Le programme intègre un grand nombre de fonctionnalités avancées destinées au travail collaboratif: annotations, commentaires et corrections (avec surlignage, etc.), suivi de modifications, mais également outils de gestion de projet.

Depuis sa version 11, Adobe Reader intègre des possibilités de partage de documents plutôt intuitives et agréables. Deux options permettent d'envoyer un fichier via votre client email par défaut installé sur l'ordinateur. L'autre permet d'envoyer le document sur une adresse quelconque, via Adobe SendNow, mais cette manipulation requiert un compte Adobe.

Un problème persiste toutefois: impossible de commenter, copier/coller, ni même imprimer certains documents! Le comportement d'Adobe Reader XI dépend entièrement des droits qui y sont attachés. Résultat dans ces cas-là, la plupart des fonctionnalités du logiciel sont inutilisables par l'utilisateur lambda.

Trop complexe en l'état, la version "Lite" d'Adobe Reader XI pour le grand public offre moins d'options mais colle davantage aux besoins du grand public. Comme outil de travail collaboratif, Adobe Reader fera peut-être l'affaire, mais dans ses déclinaisons plus complètes, et payantes... Dommage, l'outil possède de sérieux atouts.


Vous devrez avoir une connexion Internet lors de l'installation.

Dernière modification: 15/10/12

Les Plus
  • Interface propre
  • Fonctionnalités avancées
  • Ajout de commentaires et corrections
  • Options de partage intuitives
  • Environnement plus sécurisé
Les Moins
  • Dépend des droits sur le document ouvert
  • Installation assez longue


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Telecharger Java Runtime Environment Gratuit

Telecharger Java Runtime Environment Gratuit

Java Runtime Environment vous permet d'exécuter les nombreuses applications développées avec Java sur votre machine. L'application existe également en version 64-bits.

Ce langage offre de nombreux avantages aux développeurs, notamment une portabilité et une sécurité accrues grâce à l'utilisation d'une machine virtuelle.

On retrouve cette technologie aussi bien dans des ordinateurs Mac que PC, que dans des téléphones mobiles, des cartes à puces et même dans les programmes spatiaux.

Popularisée avec l'essor d'Internet, la technologie Java est aujourd'hui incontournable si vous voulez profiter pleinement de votre expérience sur Internet et de la multitude de programmes gratuits ou payants qui l'utilisent.


Pour des raisons techniques, nous ne sommes pas en mesure de vous fournir le lien de téléchargement. Le bouton "Télécharger" renvoie donc directement vers la page de l'éditeur.

Dernière modification: 15/01/13

Les Plus
  • Portabilité et sécurité
  • Nécessaire pour certaines applications Internet
Les Moins
  • RAS


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Telecharger HTTPS Everywhere 3.1.3 Gratuit

Telecharger HTTPS Everywhere 3.1.3 Gratuit

HTTPS Everywhere est une extension pour Firefox qui améliore la sécurité en activant le cryptage des connexions (HTTPS) avec une sélection de sites internet.

HTTPS Everywhere est né d'une collaboration entre le le projet TOR et l'Electronic Frontier Foundation, une organisation indépendante qui s'est donné pour mission de promouvoir la liberté d'expression, le respect de la vie privée et des droits des internautes.

De nombreux sites offrent un mode de connexion sécurisé vie le protocole HTTPS mais leur mise en oeuvre est souvent difficile. Avec HTTPS Everywhere, le cryptage est automatiquement activé pour une série de sites Web comme le moteur de recherche Google, Wikipedia, Twitter, Facebook, Paypal, Wordpress et de nombreux autres.

Résultat, vos échanges avec ces sites sont beaucoup plus difficiles à intercepter ou à "écouter" par des tierces personnes.

HTTPS Everywhere permet aussi d'ajouter des sites manuellement en écrivant des règles sur mesure. Une procédure plutôt réservée aux utilisateurs avancés.

Un détour par les options d'HTTPS Everywhere permet d'activer ou désactiver le cryptage automatique pour les sites compatibles. On aurait apprécié un système de listes collaboratives pour ajouter simplement des sites sans avoir à écrire ses propres règles.

Simple à utiliser et efficace, HTTPS Everywhere est une extension à connaître pour protéger la confidentialité de vos sessions de surf sur le Web.

Formats supportés par HTTPS Everywhere

Google Search, GoogleServices, Identica, Wikipedia, Twitter, Facebook, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Paypal, EFF, Tor, Ixquick, DuckDuckGo, GentooBugzilla, Mozilla, Noisebridge, Scroogle

Les Plus
  • Fonctionnement transparent
  • Ne nécessite aucune configuration
  • Activation et désactivation site par site
Les Moins
  • L'ajout de sites nécessite de bonnes connaissances techniques


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jeudi 7 mars 2013

Telecharger CCleaner 3.28.1913 Gratuit

Telecharger CCleaner 3.28.1913 Gratuit

CCleaner automatise le nettoyage de l'ordinateur en quelques clics. Puissant, gratuit et simple à utiliser, il analyse dans un premier temps les fichiers temporaires de Windows, le cache de votre navigateur et de vos applications, puis propose d'effacer les fichiers obsolètes ou inutiles.

Un nettoyage régulier s'impose pour sauvegarder votre système et protéger sa vie privée. Seulement voilà: ces fichiers sont éparpillés de telle manière sur votre disque dur qu'il est difficile, voire impossible, de les supprimer manuellement. CCleaner est là pour retrouver et éliminer tous ces fichiers superflus. La dernière version supporte Windows 8.

démarrage automatique de Ccleaner

Des garde-fous empêchent d'effacer par mégarde des fichiers importants et CCleaner peut être lancé automatiquement à chaque démarrage pour une optimisation constante.

De nombreuses applications sont directement reconnues par CCleaner. On peut ensuite sélectionner les éléments à supprimer pour chaque application: historique, fichiers temporaires, saisie semi-automatique, etc. Il est aussi possible de paramétrer manuellement des dossiers qui seront vidés à chaque nettoyage.

Nettoyage de la base de registre

CCleaner va encore plus loin et propose des outils de nettoyage pour la base de registre, le menu de désinstallation des programmes et la liste des programmes lancés au démarrage. CCleaner supporte désormais le système d'identification de Windows 8.

L'interface est limpide et agréable, le nettoyage efficace et rapide. CCleaner fait tellement bien son travail qu'on aurait du mal à lui trouver un remplaçant.

Dernière modification: 28/08/12

Les Plus
  • Gratuit
  • Nettoie le registre
  • Efface les fichiers temporaires
  • Outil de désinstallation propre
Les Moins
  • Attention aux fausses manips


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Telecharger PDF-XChange Viewer 2.5.210 Gratuit

Telecharger PDF-XChange Viewer 2.5.210 Gratuit

Enfin une alternative sérieuse pour la lecture des documents PDF. PDF-XChange Viewer est plus léger, plus rapide et plus riche en fonctionnalités que la plupart de ses concurrents.

Vous serez certainement surpris par la vitesse avec laquelle il ouvre les gros fichiers PDF et par la fluidité du défilement des fenêtres. La navigation est facilitée par des outils comme la loupe et une fenêtre optionnelle de navigation, qui affiche un aperçu en miniature du document en cours.

Il est possible d'annoter les documents à l'aide de notes reliées à une partie de texte, et de dessiner des formes géométriques ou à main levée pour mettre en valeur une zone particulière. Toutes ces informations ajoutées à un PDF peuvent être sauvegardées avec le document.

Enfin, PDF-XChange se joue allègrement de toutes sortes de restrictions qui empêchent de remplir des formulaires ou de sauver certains documents. Vous pourrez aussi écrire du texte dans n'importe quel document et l'exporter sous forme d'image dans de nombreux formats.

PDF-XChange Viewer est un lecteur de PDF qui pourra remplacer sans problème le poids lourd de la catégorie à savoir Adobe Reader.

Dernière modification: 05/11/12

Les Plus
  • Très souple
  • Ajouter des formes et du texte
Les Moins
  • RAS


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Telecharger avast! Antivirus Gratuit 8.0.1482.45 Gratuit

Telecharger avast! Antivirus Gratuit 8.0.1482.45 Gratuit

avast! Antivirus Gratuit est un antivirus minutieux, à la fois très efficace et très facile à prendre en main, dont la puissance n'est plus à démontrer.

Télécharger avast! Antivirus Gratuit, c'est sécuriser son PC

avast! Antivirus Gratuit se veut le plus complet possible en matière de sécurité du PC. Les 8 boucliers de protection en temps réel restent l'une de ses originalités les plus étonnantes. Ils surveillent les fichiers système, les e-mails, Internet, le P2P ou encore les scripts exécutés depuis des sites internet (web-scripts).

avast! Antivirus Gratuit possède 4 types de scans pour partir à la recherche des menaces qui seraient déjà implantées dans l'ordinateur: Scan rapide, Scan minutieux, Scan des médias amovibles (clé USB) et Scan des dossiers sélectionnés. Il est également possible de programmer un Scan quand le PC s'allume.

avast! Antivirus Gratuit ne laisse rien passer!

avast! Antivirus Gratuit intègre la technologie Sandbox. Le principe est simple: lorsque avast! repère une menace éventuelle, il demande à l'utilisateur s'il veut ou non ouvrir le document dans un environnement sécurisé duquel rien ne peut sortir. Impossible d'infecter l'ordinateur donc...

avast! WebRep est un plugin pour Firefox et Internet Explorer qui permet de connaître la réputation d'un site visité directement depuis le navigateur. avast! Antivirus Gratuit utilise les données de son laboratoire de test de virus et les votes de sa communauté d'utilisateurs pour offrir une information fiable et fréquemment mise à jour.

Avec une interface grand public mais une protection renforcée et un paramétrage avancé, avast! Antivirus Gratuit reste un premier choix pour ceux qui cherchent un antivirus gratuit et fiable.

Dernière modification: 28/02/13

Les Plus
  • 8 boucliers en temps réel
  • Nouvel installateur et nouvelle interface
  • Outil de dépannage à distance
  • Compatible avec Windows 8
Les Moins
  • Pas d'antispam, pas de contrôle parental


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mercredi 6 mars 2013

Download Nexus 12.2 Free

Download Nexus 12.2 Free

Winstep Nexus Dock is a fully-customizable dock designed to give you some of the aesthetics and functions of the Mac OS X dock.

If you are sick of the Window's task bar and want to modify your computer's interface a bit, the Winstep Nexus Dock is a great, free way to try out a dock. The Winstep Nexus Dock is feature-packed with tons of themes, widgets, and options to configure behavior and looks. It can even serve as a fully-functional replacement for your task bar if you wish.

The Winstep Nexus Dock is familiar because it shares so many features and looks of ObjectDock, one of our favorite taskbar replacements. While they look similar, we found that ObjectDock is actually more intuitive to use and customize. There's no doubt that the Winstep Nexus Dock is feature-packed but the menus and options are spread all over the place and you really have to learn to use the program.

There is a pro version of the Winstep Nexus Dock available which allows you to create multiple docks, nest docks, create shelves, and much more. We think that the free version will be enough for casual users, though.

Overall, the Winstep Nexus Dock is a great, free dock app that can be as simple as an app launcher or as functional as a Windows taskbar replacement. Check out ObjectDock if you want something with a more intuitive interface.

  • Tons of features and options to configure
  • Useful widgets
  • Featured packed free version
  • Overwhelming customization features
  • Not as easy to use as ObjectDock

Download Nexus 12.2

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Download Amazon Cloud Drive Free

Download Amazon Cloud Drive Free

Amazon Cloud Drive is Amazon's official Cloud Drive desktop client for your PC desktop.

It offers users direct access to 5GB of free storage with paid plans for up to 1TB. There's also an unlimited storage space offer for music for paying customers for a limited period. Amazon Cloud Drive is very similar to services like SkyDrive, Google Drive and Dropbox, all of which offer a limited amount of free storage.

The Amazon Cloud Drive client allows you to easily upload photos, documents, videos and other files via a simple drag and drop interface. Likewise, you can easily download files too and both uploading and downloading work silently in the background. If you find they're taking too much bandwidth, you can pause and resume uploads and downloads at anytime.

Amazon Cloud Drive is the easiest way to transfer files to and from Amazon to your PC.

  • Easy to upload and download to Amazon Cloud accounts
  • 5GB of free storage
  • Few advanced options

Download Amazon Cloud Drive

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Download Ridge Racer Unbounded Free

Download Ridge Racer Unbounded Free

Ridge Racer Unbounded is an arcade racing game that combines the well-known drifting action of Ridge Racer with the destruction of games like Split Second and Burnout.

The first time you play Ridge Racer Unbounded it feels strange. Mixing the feel of western racers with the Ridge Racer is unusual. Car handling feels normal until you hit the drift button and then you're in Ridge Racer territory, with extremes drifts that defy logic. Add to this the destruction of the environment and other drivers, and you've got a very different Ridge Racer.

Each track is filled with destructible scenery - you build up your power by drifting, then can activate it to accelerate through tankers and buildings in explosive style. The power button can be used to take down other racers too, much like in Burnout. All of the destruction can make for very busy tracks, and it will take a while to optimize your routes. This can make early play-throughs tough, but once a track ?clicks?, Ridge Racer Unbounded becomes an adrenalin-filled ballet of high speed destruction.

Ridge Racer Unbounded looks great, with neon-filled environments and fantastically shiny vehicles, with the trademark light trails appearing when activating power mode. Occasionally crashing through buildings can look untidy, but overall this is a very impressive looking racing title. Ridge Racer Unbounded can get really busy, and to help you concentrate, the display is really intelligent. There?s nothing complex to take your eyes away from the action, and important information is beautifully displayed on the track as you race. It?s both stylish and functional, which is the perfect combination.

There?s no doubt that arcade racers have taken a hit in recent years, with racing in general polarizing between cute karting and precision realism. Ridge Racer Unbounded hopes to succeed where Split Second failed, but its learning curve may put some players off.


This demo requires the free app Steam to run

  • Great looking environments and cars
  • Really fast
  • Inventive gameplay
  • Takes a while to 'click'
  • Destruction sometimes looks messy

Download Ridge Racer Unbounded

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Download 7 Wonders Of The World Theme for Windows 7 1.0 Free

Download 7 Wonders Of The World Theme for Windows 7 1.0 Free

This 7 Wonders Of The World Theme brings some of the most awesome sights in the modern world right to your Windows 7 desktop.

Machu Picchu, the Taj Mahal, the Coliseum, the Great Wall of China, Petra, Christ the Redeemer and the temple of Chichén Itzá are the 7 new Wonders of the World, according to the latest voting.

7 Wonders Of The World Theme brings the best of the seven most awesome sights in the world to your desktop. The 25 images included are high-res, and the themepack includes some great personalized icons and sounds.

As with all themepacks, you don't have to make much of an effort to install it - just double click on the file and it will do all of the work for you.

Great images of some of the most awesome sights in the world - what's not to love about 7 Wonders Of The World Theme?

  • Spectacular images
  • Cute icons
  • Personalized sounds
  • Some wonders are repeated

Download 7 Wonders Of The World Theme for Windows 7 1.0

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Download Charles Web Debugging Tool 3.6.5 Free

Download Charles Web Debugging Tool 3.6.5 Free

Charles is a powerful HTTP proxy/HTTP monitor/Reverse Proxy tool that enables a developer to view all of the HTTP traffic between a computer and the Internet.

Charles allows developers to view requests, responses and HTTP headers which contain crucial cookie and caching information. It's very useful for enabling debugging the content of HTTPS sessions. It works by simulating modem speeds by effectively throttling bandwidth and introducing latency so that developers can experience an entire website as a modem user would.

For this reason, Charles is especially useful for Macromedia Flash developers as it makes it possible to view the contents of LoadVariables, LoadMovie, XML loads etc. Finally, Charles is useful for XML development in web browsers, such as AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript and XML) and XMLHTTP.

Charles is a useful tool for any developer that needs to view HTTP proxies on their Mac.

  • Allows viewing of HTTP and reverse proxies
  • Views LoadVariables, XML Loads etc
  • Technical for non-developers
  • Requires Java

Download Charles Web Debugging Tool 3.6.5

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mardi 5 mars 2013

Download Adobe InDesign CS6 Free

Download Adobe InDesign CS6 Free

Adobe InDesign CS6 provides you with a professional publishing tool and a fully-featured working environment for page layout.

With Adobe InDesign you'll be able to create all sorts of documents, from simple flyers to complete ebooks, as well as labels, brochures, presentations, certificates, newsletters and more. This new version also lets you adds interactivity to your creations by inserting video and sound, and then exporting the result as Flash (SWF) or an interactive PDF.

The latest version of Adobe InDesign includes important new features that will enhance your workflow and boost your productivity. The new simplified object selection, for example, makes it easier to control objects in your document. Also, the perfect integration of Adobe InDesign with the new Adobe CS Review (part of the new CS Live online services) helps you share your work and receive feedback from colleagues and customers in a very easy way.

Like in any other Adobe application, the learning curve in Adobe InDesign is quite a steep one, but the results are worth the effort. The program is thoroughly documented, so as long as you're willing to learn, you'll be making the most of Adobe InDesign in a relatively short period of time ? especially if you're used to other Adobe apps, as Adobe InDesign makes use of the same interface style.

With Adobe InDesign CS6 you'll be able to design professional-looking layouts both for printing and digital publishing.

Recent changes
  • Folio Producer tools
  • Access to Adobe Digital Publishing Suite
  • Enhanced eBook authoring
  • Articles panel
  • Styles mapped to tags in EPUB export
  • Linked text
  • Dragging and dropping of anchored objects
  • PDF accessibility enhancements
  • Enhanced PDF export options

For technical reasons, the Softonic Free Download links to the developer's download page. You must create a free Adobe account there in order to download the file.

  • Professional application with great results
  • Collaborative online tools
  • Very well documented
  • Steep learning curve

Download Adobe InDesign CS6

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Download Analogue: A Hate Story Demo Free

Download Analogue: A Hate Story Demo Free

Analogue: A Hate Story is a point-and-click adventure game.

The story of the game requires you to use a computer on a space ship and find out what happened to the crew by reading through achievement logs to discover the truth.

To help you, you get assistance from the on-board artificial intelligence that has its own personality. Analogue: A Hate Story contains a lot of information that has to be digested through reading and connecting the story of crew members.

The visuals of Analogue: A Hate Story are influenced by manhwa, or Korean comics. Analogue: A Hate Story?s focus is not on highly detailed graphics, but centers on text-based exploration. Using the dual interfaces is like looking into the past and present. The command line menu is like DOS and the point-and-click interface feels very familiar. It is easy to use get immersed in switching between the two. But even with the static interface, the story of Analogue: A Hate Story shines.

While gameplay in Analogue: A Hate Story can start off slow and be confusing, partially because of Analogue: A Hate Story using romanized Korean names, the game has a lot of interesting plot points right at the beginning.

Analogue: A Hate Story is a game developed in the old point-and-click style.

  • Interesting story
  • Multiple endings in full game
  • Great style
  • Confusing at first

Download Analogue: A Hate Story Demo

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Download FBackup 4.8.286 Free

Download FBackup 4.8.286 Free

We'll never grow tired of reminding you about the importance of backup copies. And with such a great backup tool as FBackup, you have no more excuses!

With FBackup you can configure and run backup copies at any time. The program lets you create as many backup jobs as you need ? each of them with their own configuration settings ? and you can also restore them whenever you need to have your data back.

FBackup features a neat, intuitive interface and two different modes to create backups: Simple (a step-by-step wizard) and Advanced. I'd recommend using the Advanced one because it's more intuitive. FBackup can save your backup copies on your hard drive or networked drives, and has also some extra features like backup compression and backup scheduler.

Fbackup works perfectly fine and it's a great choice for all those in search of a decent, easy-to-use backup utility. On the downside, FBackup lacks a couple of options usually found in similar tools, such as the possibility to save your backup to an FTP server or the ability to create incremental backups.

With FBackup you can create simple backup copies in just a few steps and restore them at any moment.

Recent changes
  • New: Added command line application, so it's now possible to run FBackup from the command prompt, through .bat files or scripts
  • New: Added an independent Test operation to allow verifying existing backups
  • New: It is now possible to Pause and Resume a running backup
  • Fix: Scheduler tasks created with the new backup wizard did not start.
  • Fix: Time format used for scheduled jobs is now the same as Windows time format.
  • Nice wizard-style interface
  • You can create backup copies and restore them
  • Backup scheduler
  • Support for compressed backups
  • No incremental backups

Download FBackup 4.8.286

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lundi 4 mars 2013

Download SoundPackager 1.30.034 Free

Download SoundPackager 1.30.034 Free

SoundPackager is a handy PC customization app that will let you apply sound packages to your computer quickly and easily.

Customizing your PC is a good way to make it a little bit more fun. Lots of Windows themes come with new sounds included, but if you want to change the sounds, without necessarily changing wallpapers and screensavers too, SoundPackager will make it happen.

Using SoundPackager couldn't be easier. When you install the app, it has several packages already installed so you can get a feel for the app. You can also download more, from the SoundPackager website. Some of these are user-made and free, while other, more professional ones, are available to buy.

Once you've imported any new sound packages, they'll appear in the main SoundPackager interface. From here you can read a brief description, share the package, apply it, or edit the sounds. Sound editing will appear in a new window - from here you can listen to individual sounds, assign them to new events, delete them, or get more info on them. Once they are all assigned to your liking (or you can just use the default scheme and edit later, if needed), you can apply them to your system.

The great thing about SoundPackager is that people are pretty imaginative and have created thousands of sound packages that make it easy to add something extra to your PC. SoundPackager makes it extra simple to install and edit these sounds, and is definitely a program we'd recommend.

Install and edit sound themes in a flash with SoundPackager sound package tool.

  • Bunches of packages available
  • Easy to download new ones
  • Edit all aspects of the sounds
  • Must download most content separately
  • Not a great interface

Download SoundPackager 1.30.034

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Download Wipe 2012.06 Free

Download Wipe 2012.06 Free

Be warned: when you use the computer or browse the web, you're leaving behind traces of all you movements that can be easily tracked like breadcrumbs.

Luckily there's a way to avoid these clues: use Wipe and you'll be able to delete all those traces from your system in a very efficient way. What's more, Wipe includes support for the standard DoD 5220.22 algorithm, which renders deleted files unrecoverable.

When launched, Wipe performs a system scan in order to detect all the apps installed on your computer. After that, Wipe displays a list of all the supported programs and the items you can delete from them.

The list includes common software like Firefox, Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player, WinRAR, QuickTime and Outlook Express, and deletes usual items like cookies, history of usage, recent document lists and auto-complete entries, among others. Wipe doesn't show the actual elements you're about to erase though, nor does it let you filter them in any way ? which would have been useful in the case of cookies, because you may not want to delete all of them.

Wipe can erase the whole list with a simple click on the "Delete" button, but you can also erase only specific items by right-clicking on them. When finished, the program shows the number of deleted files and the amount of recovered space. The whole process hardly takes a couple of minutes and also generates a log in case you want to see extended details about the deletion process.

With Wipe you can rest assured that your deleted files won't be recovered.

Recent changes
  • FireFox 12 support
  • Easy to use
  • Features a special algorithm for secure deletion
  • Creates logs after the work is done
  • Doesn't show actual files that is about to wipe
  • You can't filter files

Download Wipe 2012.06

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Download MorphVOX Junior 2.7.5 Free

Download MorphVOX Junior 2.7.5 Free

Ever wanted to change the tone of your voice? MorphVOX Junior is a free voice changer software that is supposed to modify your voice to match your personality. If you so like, you can sound like a man, a woman, a midget, a robot and many other bizarre variations in between.

The program is optimized for online games, but obviously, the most fun you'll have with this is to make prank calls and wind-up your friends. The program can also send out some rather annoying high pitch screams and bizarrely, drum rolls.

This is great fun although there's not really much point to it. Perhaps if they had integrated it with a music making program or other editing software, it would have been much more useful. Still, you can save your voice modulations and then use the file in an external program.

  • Provides hours of fun and amusement morphing your voice
  • Easy to use
  • Not much point to it
  • No editing programs integrated

Download MorphVOX Junior 2.7.5

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Download bcWebCam Free

Download bcWebCam Free

bcWebCam is a simple application that uses your webcam to scan barcodes.

If you have a webcam for your PC or laptop, then you can turn your computer into a barcode scanner. This is especially handy if you have a bunch of items that you want to catalog. One thing to note is that you will have to have a pretty decent webcam that can focus on items up close to scan.

Once you have bcWebCam installed, launch it and you're greeted with a brief tutorial. bcWebCam should be able to detect your webcam right away. If it doesn't show up, make sure the drivers are installed properly.

The main interface of bcWebCam is dominated by a live video window. While bcWebCam can't do much but extract barcode numbers, it can sit in the background to scan and extract barcode numbers into a text field. For example, if you want to scan a product into, have bcWebCam running in the background while your cursor selects the search bar. The data from the barcode will be inserted directly into the search field.

Overall, bcWebCam feels like a workaround to get barcode data into a text field. We wish it had an option to search popular sites with the barcode information instead of forcing the user to navigate themselves.

Recent changes
  • New: Allow only one instance of bcWebCam
  • Fixed: Crash if webcam is in use by other applications
  • Fixed: Recognition of two barcodes in the same stream image confuses bcWebCam
  • New: Support area with FAQ
  • New Features: WebCam Selection Dialog, Result to Clipboard, Invert Image Data
  • Demo Mode for PRO1 and PRO2 Features integrated
  • QR Code integrated
  • First English version, older versions only available with German user interface
  • Turns transparent to scan into text fields
  • Easy to use
  • Requires a good webcam
  • Doesn't search popular sites for barcode

Download bcWebCam

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Download Web CalendarPad 2012.5.2 Free

Download Web CalendarPad 2012.5.2 Free

When you need to let others know about upcoming events, a public calendar is an excellent way to do the job. Web CalendarPad lets you do just that - create your own, highly customizable calendars and publish them to your website or blog.

Web CalendarPad has a manageable but comprehensive interface and extensive online help. Almost every aspect of your calendar can be modified, from the type of event it contains, to its appearance, layout and content.

You can embed files, folders, links and images in your calendar and edit any notes you want to add in the Web CalendarPad HTML editor, so everything makes a smooth transition to the net. Once the calendar itself has been finalized, you can publish it to your website or blog and even create an RSS feed so that interested parties can subscribe.

The developer of Web CalendarPad has really thought of everything in this program - you can preview your calendar so you can see exactly how it will look on your website, apply various themes, include macros and even translate it to the language of your choice. You can also back up calendars in case of emergency with Web CalendarPad, as well as importing CSV data for inclusion - a really handy function if you calendar is going to be used by a large group.

Web CalendarPad - a breathtakingly complete calendar creation and publication program.

  • Extensive online help
  • HTML editor
  • Lots of publication options
  • Preview function
  • Backup function
  • A little buggy
  • No tooltips

Download Web CalendarPad 2012.5.2

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samedi 2 mars 2013

Download LangOver 5.0.38 Free

Download LangOver 5.0.38 Free

For those of you who work with several languages, changing language settings in Windows can be a pain. Luckily LangOver can now make it easier for you.

LangOver puts an end to that tiring situation in which you start typing a text in one language, only to discover that the keyboard layout is set according to a different one. Instead of having to change it manually in the Control Panel and then rewriting everything again, LangOver lets you fix the layout and the written text with a hotkey.

LangOver supports virtually any language you work with and is very easy to configure, though it doesn't seem to work fine with all language combinations: during our tests it worked with Spanish and English, but failed to fix the text when using German and English.

LangOver is an easy way to fix multiple language issues, as it lets you redefine keyboard layout and correct text right on the spot.

  • Customizable hotkey
  • Supports virtually any language
  • Doesn't seem to work fine with some language combinations

Download LangOver 5.0.38

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mardi 26 février 2013

Download EnhanceMyVista 3.4.1 Free Version Free

Download EnhanceMyVista 3.4.1 Free Version Free

If you're a Vista fan but would like to tweak or enhance it even further then Enhance My Vista is an interesting application.

EnhanceMyVista is an easy to use but powerful enhancing, optimizing and tweaking tool for Windows Vista. The program is very easy to navigate with an extremely simple interface and some interesting tweaking options. The program also allows you to view technical data on the specifics of your hardware such as your CPU, graphics card and monitor. It features all the regular tweaking tools you would expect too such as a manage running processes list, analyzer and registry cleaner, defragger and cache cleaner. You can also give the program a look of your choosing with several natty little skins. In addition to all this, the program integrates very well into Windows own administration tools so that you can access them directly through Enhance My Vista instead of the control panel.

In terms of speed, this program doesn't really enhance Vista as much as the name suggests but as an all round tweaker and one stop control panel, it's superior to anything Windows Vista itself has to offer.

Recent changes
  • Restore Point Creation updated
  • Fixed some bugs
  • Enhances Vista's admin tools
  • Allows you to access Windows Admin tools directly
  • Doesn't really speed up Vista

Download EnhanceMyVista 3.4.1 Free Version

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Download SATmax Metro App Free

Download SATmax Metro App Free

The SATmax metro app lets users prepare for the SAT on their PCs.

SATmax features a nicely uncluttered interface, perfect for the stressed out college hopeful, looking to brush up on subjects tested on the SAT.

Choose a specific SAT subject, and you'll be taken to sub-categories. Much like in-person prep courses, SATmax organizes lessons into by date and subject. There are video lessons, multiple choice question sets, and flashcard assignments to ensure you completely understand the lessons being taught.

After each question set, you can also review your answers in-depth with SATmax. This is essential, because you'll never learn from your mistakes unless an explanation is given in most instances. Once done with a complete set, you can also share your results with other friends using the program.

Although the app is pretty comprehensive, it probably isn't a complete substitute for in-person tutoring or another type of offline prep class. As a supplement though, SATmax really stands out.

SATmax is a great way to reinforce specific subject areas during your SAT prep.

  • Video lessons
  • Multiple choice question sets
  • Flashcard lessons
  • Review your answers after each assignment
  • Not as comprehensive as private tutoring

Download SATmax Metro App

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Download aMSN 0.98.9 Free

Download aMSN 0.98.9 Free

aMSN is an alternative to the classic MSN Messenger, with more features yet a much weaker interface. The chat client looks very similar to Microsoft's product yet differs on a number of points. aMSN developers have delved into the preferences menu, adding extra little features like event alerts and sounds, conferencing support or autoaway messages. Like with MSN Messenger you'll be able to transfer files and organize all your contacts into groups.

Audio/Video support is the number one function that users look for in IM clients nowadays, yet an area which aMSN doesn't particularly focus on. Webcam support is fairly weak and unstable on aMSN, and instead of integrating into your chat window will open up in a new Quicktime window.

One of the biggest pet peeves of users with aMSN is the interface. It simply doesn't compare with more sleeker, more recent IM clients. To the developer's defense though you can download all sorts of skins from the program's website. Similarly it offers up a range of plugins, to customize your client to your liking. Chat addicts will also appreciate the animated emoticons on hand.

In terms of performance, you have to keep in mind that aMSN is still a Beta product, so still liable to some crashes and bugs. We did have some trouble when opening up new chat window and noticed that the client tended to use a lot of CPU.

In a few words, aMSN is a good alternative to MSN for users looking to add more plugins, skins and delve into the preferences menu.

Recent changes
  • New Contact List !!
  • We can drag contacts between groups
  • New login window
  • Added support for Offline Messages
  • Voice clips : sending and receiving !
  • New default skin + new smiley set
  • DualDisplayPicture plugin into the core
  • Add Audio and Video Assistant
  • support for JPEG webcams
  • support for UYVY palette
  • fix bug with PWC driver
  • Only for amsn-remote,fixed possible DoS attack, and make remote not reply to commands when it's not enabled, instead of waiting for authentication and parsing commands, which may lead to parse errors.
  • Fix bugs with DP browser
  • Added new bindings to manage tabs
  • Show Web/Online for people using webmessenger
  • added tkdnd for windows,
  • Fix smileys menu issues
  • Fix file transfert bugs but some still remains
  • Fix bugs with chameleon
  • Improve linflash
  • Fix to the first libmimic bug ever, in 2 years
  • Fix bug with http proxies


This version of aMSN includes the option to install the Softonic Toolbar. If you wish to download the original version without the toolbar click this link. Also, you can access aMSN's original source code via this link.

The Softonic Toolbar included with this version of aMSN is a standalone application and is completely independent from aMSN and does not affect the behavior or performance of the original aMSN program. Any errors you get while running aMSN are by no means related to the Softonic Toolbar.

  • More features than MSN
  • Extended customization
  • Some trouble when opening new chat windows
  • Known to use up lots of CPU
  • Webcam feature still a bit unstable
  • Weak interface

Download aMSN 0.98.9

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Download Yahoo! Messenger 9 Free

Download Yahoo! Messenger 9 Free

Yahoo! Messenger has long been one of the world's most popular IM clients, mainly because Yahoo! itself is such a large presence in the realms of web-mail, communities and so on. It now sits comfortably in second place to Windows Live Messenger in terms of user-base.

Among the new features in Yahoo! Messenger, the emphasis is very much on looks rather than functions. For example, the brand new IMVironment feature (which completely customizes your chat windows) looks pretty impressive at first until you realize that nearly all of them are simply complex advertisements or marketing campaigns from firms like Gatorade and Kleenex. Improvements to the way contacts' images are displayed, as well as new photo-sharing via the excellent Flickr are welcome additions but even they can't dispel the bad smell emanating from IMVironment.

New emoticons have been added to this latest version of Yahoo! Messenger, as have new skins for the main window. To me, these represent fairly minor aesthetic changes rather than important new functionalities, and as such aren't enough of a reason to upgrade. More handy features like improved handling of PC to PC calls, MP3 voicemail, and better integration with Yahoo! sites have also been included but again, none except for the Flickr tool seems really useful. Really, this Beta feels as if it's about matching Live Messenger for features and not much more.

Yahoo! Messenger probably isn't aimed at users like me who prize usability and simplicity above bright colors and lots of advertising. If you like the sound of branding every chat window you use with Kleenex or Axe deodorant then Yahoo! Messenger is for you. If you'd rather use a simple, elegant and uncluttered chat interface, switch to Google Talk and you'll never look back.

A bloated, brightly colored IM client packed with advertising and not much more.

  • New display options
  • Better integration with Yahoo! Network
  • Tons of advertising
  • No real additions

Download Yahoo! Messenger 9

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lundi 25 février 2013

Download Nimbuzz 2.2.1 Free

Download Nimbuzz 2.2.1 Free

Nimbuzz makes keeping in touch with all of your friends a less time consuming task.

This is where Nimbuzz comes in really handy as it's a multi-platform instant messaging client. This enables you to chat with your contacts and keep track of your friends' updates on more than a dozen different social networks and IM protocols, including Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, MSN, ICQ, Google Talk and Jabber, among others.

Nimbuzz is already quite popular among mobile platforms, where it has been around for a while. This port to PC has gone a bit unnoticed, I guess partly because Nimbuzz doesn't feature as many tools and options as other similar programs. The tool in itself is quite simple, very light on resources and does what it says on the tin. There are no custom backgrounds, animation effects or any other bells and whistles.

Besides basic text chat, Nimbuzz includes other interesting options such as the ability to organize contacts by groups and the possibility to share files with them, even if they're not online, thanks a to a temporary storage system. Being primarily a mobile IM app, Nimbuzz also allows you to keep contacts synced with your mobile phone.

Despite being simpler than other similar tools, Nimbuzz is still a great app to keep in touch with friends across many different social networks and IM platforms.

Nimbuzz supports the following formats

Supported protocols: AIM, Facebook, GaduGadu, Giovani, GTalk, Hyves, ICQ, MSN, MySpace, SchuelerVZ, StudiVZ, Twitter, Jabber, Yahoo

  • Supports more than a dozen different platforms
  • Clean, nice interface design
  • Light on resources
  • Handy file sharing system
  • Enables you to sync contacts with your mobile phone
  • Fewer options than other similar tools

Download Nimbuzz 2.2.1

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Download Prices Drop Monitor for Amazon 3 Free

Download Prices Drop Monitor for Amazon 3 Free

Prices Drop Monitor for Amazon is a simple application that lets users add products they want to track prices for.

If you use to do all of your shopping, Prices Drop Monitor for Amazon will be a very useful tool. Using the app is as simple as dragging and dropping URLs into the interface. Once you have a list of things you would like to buy, the app sits quietly in the system tray and will alert you to any price changes. It tracks price drops and increases as well.

There are not many options to adjust. You can only toggle if you want the app to launch at start up and how often to check for new prices. Oddly, Prices Drop Monitor for Amazon can only check as often as every 4 hours, which seems like a long time. Prices Drop Monitor for Amazon should add the ability to check every hour.

Once a price change has been detected, Prices Drop Monitor for Amazon will alert users and link to the Amazon page. Prices Drop Monitor for Amazon looks at prices from all Amazon merchants so it is a bit overzealous when it finds a price drop. Many times, there were offers that were just a few cents lower but shipping is higher. We wish Prices Drop Monitor for Amazon would have a Prime only alert option and we wish it would take shipping costs into consideration as well.

Overall, Prices Drop Monitor for Amazon works well but could use with more options to adjust alerts.

  • Simple drag and drop interface
  • Sits quietly in notification tray
  • Useful for tracking price changes on
  • Overzealous alerts
  • Derth of options
  • Doesn't take shipping prices into account

Download Prices Drop Monitor for Amazon 3

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Download RJ TextEd 8.10 Free

Download RJ TextEd 8.10 Free

RJ TextEd is a good replacement text editing app If you find that your programming development tool doesn't exactly make life easy for you. RJ TextEd is a web development tool and a Unicode text editor which aims to make HTML coding simpler, faster and more intuitive.

Some of the key features in RJ TextEd are syntax error highlighting, auto completion and a very handy CSS editor. One rather unusual feature is that RJ TextEd includes an FTP client that enables you to get your coding published super quick although RJ TextEd is not exactly an advanced client and if you need secure connections, you're probably best not to rely on it.

For those that are relatively new to coding, another handy feature is the HTML validation tool which allows you to format and repair your code using wizards. Finally, it also includes spell checking, e-mail support and advanced search options. The remarkable thing is that this is all entirely free although the downside is that it won't support all coding languages so if you frequently use different ones, you'll need something more flexible.

Overall, RJ TextEd is a powerful tool for developers who require more features than syntax highlighting, though its main competitor, Notepad++ is easier to use.

Recent changes
  • Margin line

  • The right margin line is now drawn behind the text.
  • Compress lines

  • Changed the behavior so multiple blank lines are compressed into one line.
  • Delete redundant lines

  • Added a menu item to delete redundant lines (multiple lines are replaced by one line).
  • Panning or mouse coasting

  • You can now scroll by a single middle mouse click and moving the mouse.
  • Chrome preview

  • Updated the component and libraries.
  • Firefox preview

  • Updated the XULRunner libraries.
  • File/Folder information

  • File and folder information is displayed under each view in the file commander.
  • Open/Close nodes in project manager

  • Open/Close nodes only affect the subitems in the selected node.
  • Sessions and session manager

  • You can now open and save sessions. A session will store information about open files, which view they were open in (dual document view), open project and the dual document view state.
  • User script

  • The script editor has been removed. Scripts are now opened in the main program and user script functions are located in a quickbar tab, called "User Scripts".

  • If the script need a target document - you should open it in the right view using dual document view. The script itself should be in the left view.
  • FTP and FTP profiles

  • Added a "Copy" button in the profile manager.
  • When connecting to a remote site, the user name is displayed along with the password if prompted. This enables you to edit the user name.

  • Undo/Redo

  • Added menu item in the document tab menu to clear the undo/redo buffer.

  • Made some changes in the undo/redo history dialog. Recent non-saved items are displayed in yellow, saved in green.
  • Sidebar tab options

  • Added options in the "View -> Bars -> Sidebar" menu to enable text captions in tabs and to position the tabs.
  • Fixed

  • Spellcheck "Add" now work with Unicode.
  • Current macro was not updated properly if edited.
  • .com files are opened as text files by default.
  • Advanced sort didn't work properly with tab characters.
  • Replace prompt is not re-positioned anymore.
  • Rename file didn't update the current highlighter.
  • Parenthesis highlight issue in PHP.
  • Regular expression help didn't work properly in the find/replace bar.
  • Text clip issue with % in the clip text.
  • Find All didn't display anything if highlight was selected when searching in folders.
  • "Format XML (Tidy)" was misspelled.
  • Fixed a Firefox preview issue when using mappings.
  • Fixed some undo/redo issues in column mode.
  • Makes HTML coding easy
  • Features code repair wizards
  • Includes FTP client
  • FTP client not suitable for SSL connections
  • Doesn't support multiple coding environments

Download RJ TextEd 8.10

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Download Kwerty Gmail Notifier for Windows 7 1.2 Free

Download Kwerty Gmail Notifier for Windows 7 1.2 Free

Kwerty Gmail Notifier is a diminutive application that gives you alerts whenever you get a new message in your Gmail account.

Gmail is a great email service, but most users only use it inside a web browser. It can be a bit annoying to have a browser window open at all times to get email alerts. Kwerty Gmail Notifier makes getting email notifications a breeze.

The application is simple. When you first launch Kwerty Gmail Notifier, you are greeted with a login screen. Once logged in, the app sits in the Windows 7 task bar. This allows Kwerty Gmail Notifier to provide an icon of how many unread emails you have.

Hovering over the icon will give you a pop up preview of the unread emails. The window is small, but it still tells you the subject, sender, and first few lines of the email. It would be nice if Kwerty Gmail Notifier had an option to increase the size of the preview window, though.

While Kwerty Gmail Notifier is great just for notifications, it doesn't do much beyond that. You can't interact with your messages within the app - clicking on them opens up a browser window. Right clicking the app icon will yield shortcuts to open the inbox, compose, check for new mail, and settings.

Kwerty Gmail Notifier is a good app just to get notifications of new email but it doesn't do much beyond that.

  • Persistent notification
  • Unobtrusive alerts
  • Ability to preview messages
  • Can't interact with mail within the app
  • No support for multiple accounts

Download Kwerty Gmail Notifier for Windows 7 1.2

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samedi 2 février 2013

Download Process Lasso Free

Download Process Lasso Free

One of most common reasons for your PC slowing down is processes that are hogging your system and taking all your CPU.

Process Lasso aims to solve this problem by reducing the priority of those processes that are not important and returned to a responsive level. It also works with multiple processes that are causing a problem so it can deal with more than one program at once. If you think that Process Lasso is prioritising the wrong processes, then you can define default processes that you want to be controlled or kept an eye on.

Process Lasso also displays graphs and other graphical represeantations to show you which processes are requiring the most CPU usage. You can blacklist those processes that are showing rather high graph readings or that are clearly taking up more CPU usage than they deserve.

Although Process Lasso requires no experience, it does offer advanced settings and twesking options to make sure that it only blocks those processes that are specified or targeted by yourself. Fortunately, Process Lasso itself is very low on resources so it will not add to your CPU hogging problems.

Process Lasso is a very useful process monitor than will ensure your CPU only dedicates itself to those programs that really need it.

  • Monitors processes for heavy usage
  • Easy to install and use
  • Can slow down PC while reassigning process priorities

Download Process Lasso

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Download BlueGriffon 1.5.2 Free

Download BlueGriffon 1.5.2 Free

BlueGriffon is a new open source WYSIWYG cross-platform editor based on Gecko, the same rendering engine that's used in Firefox.

Because it's WYSIWYG, its easy to use and because its just been developed, it conforms fully with the latest W3C Standards including HTML 5, CSS 2.1 and large parts of CSS 3, CSS Mdia Queries, MathML, SVG etc. The fact that it uses the same rendering engine as Firefox means that its particularly good for designing websites for Firefox users.

The project you edit will look exactly the same in Firefox 4 as it does while you're working on it. If you're an advanced coder, you can switch to Source View mode to hard-code your page so there's something for beginners and experts in BlueGriffon.

BlueGriffon is very impressive although its still very much a work in progress. There's very little in the way of help documentation so using it is a case of trial and error. However, the WYSIWYG interface makes it easy enough to feel your way around. Although BlueGriffon is free to use, it can be extended with add-ons, although some of these aren't free and working out how to add them onto BlueGriffon is a bit tricky.

BlueGriffon is an very impressive up and coming free WYSIWYG website editor which may prove a very solid alternative to commercial options.

Recent changes
  • editor was losing focus when arrows keys are used to move the caret and a panel is visible ; L10N fixes.
  • complete refactoring of CSS Properties panel's code
  • save in source view horks character set
  • unprefixing box-shadow, border-radius and other updates
  • allow BlueGriffon to open local *.php files; b=405
  • allow changes of the document's charset
  • floating toolbar was horked with the findbar
  • Create backup before saving a html file; b=401
  • copy/paste makes all URLs absolute; b=398
  • activeview popup too transparent; b=372
  • html4 and html5 source views can be close without prompt, switch to DOMParser with text/html type; b=392
  • fixed floating toolbar on linux
  • Serbian l10n added
  • Link Insertion dialog adds a mailto: to mail links even if already present; b=394
  • comments, PHP and PI support; b=384
  • negative margins were not allowed; b=383
  • refine background-repeat UI; b=382
  • Revert, CloseTab and CloseOtherTabs as context menu on tabs; b=294
  • floating toolbar now has a preference in Preferences panel
  • formerly hidden pref forceLF now has a preference in Preferences panel
  • better support for multiple charsets
  • text-decoration:none option missing in CSS panel; b=381
  • Easy to use WYSIWYG interface
  • Compatible with HTML5 and CSS3
  • Based on same engine as Firefox
  • 64 bits
  • Unstable
  • Lacks a few options in menus

Download BlueGriffon 1.5.2

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Download Contenta RAW Converter 5.96 Free

Download Contenta RAW Converter 5.96 Free

Contenta RAW Converter allows you to convert batches of RAW photos to other formats in a few simple clicks.

Photo converters always win points with me when they allow you to preview the final product before you convert and Contenta RAW Converter doesn't disappoint. Contenta RAW Converter reads all major RAW formats and gives you full previews before conversion, whether they are single files or batches. Although it doesn't support every digital camera out there, if you've got one of the major brands then you should be ok.

This app is actually very versatile. Apart from letting you convert images, it also allows you to share them, make them into a PDF album, perform some basic processing (brightness, denoising, boosting, etc.) and even a selection of effects and annotations, like watermarking, cropping and color tweaks. Contenta RAW Converter also lets you rename and organize your photos in sub-folders using EXIF, IPTC and XMP tags, which makes them much easier to organize.

Of course, the conversion and reduction of RAW files makes them much easier to save and send via email to friends and family. One handy extra offered by Contenta RAW Converter is a thumbnail generator that turns images into thumbnails, removes metadata and generally makes them much easier to publish on the net.

Contenta RAW Converter does a very simple job efficiently and effectively for all your RAW photo needs.

Recent changes
  • Large performance improvement (40% faster)
Contenta RAW Converter supports the following formats

Exit formats: JPG, JPEG 2000 (JP2, J2K), GIF, PNG, TIFF, BMP, WBMP, TARGA (TGA), PPM, PGM, PBM, XPM, ICO

  • Compatible with a huge number of formats
  • Batch processes photos
  • Also edits, tweaks
  • Doesn't work for all camera models
  • Doesn't allow you to save conversion profiles

Download Contenta RAW Converter 5.96

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Download Bang Bang Racing Free

Download Bang Bang Racing Free

Bang Bang Racing is a top down 3D racing game with local multiplayer, a cartoon feel and a variety of vehicles.

Overhead racing games have been popular since Super Sprint in the '80s, as they are great mix of simple gameplay and competition. Bang Bang Racing has 3D graphics and scrolling, but the camera always sits above the track. There's a low learning curve and racing is fun. You can accelerate, brake, and nitro your way around the tracks, which are all pretty short.

The single player campaign is relatively short, although if you set the difficulty on high, the competition is tough. There is local multiplayer, and it's multiplayer where Bang Bang Racing really gets fun. While many people complain about the loss of local multiplayer in today's games, it's really disappointing to see Bang Bang Racing doesn't have online multiplayer too, as it's ideal for it. Some of the in race obstacles, such as oil and leaves (!) have more effect than they should.

Other recent examples of overhead racing, like the iOS game Reckless Racing, or the Playstation Vita title Motorstorm RC have shown it's possible to make a great overhead racing game that mixes simplicity with deep and challenging gameplay.

Bang Bang Racing could be great, but it needs more challenges and online competition to be a complete package. It's fun for a while, but lacks depth.

Review last updated: 13/06/12

  • Looks good
  • Simple controls
  • Cars feel good
  • Local multiplayer
  • Short single player game
  • No online multiplayer

Download Bang Bang Racing

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Download SpiderOak 4.6.9945 Free

Download SpiderOak 4.6.9945 Free

SpiderOak makes sharing files online easy, even if you don't have a proper web space or the people you want to share them with don't know how to access a FTP server.

SpiderOak is the perfect solution for these situations, as it provides you with the necessary space and tools to store and share your files online in an easy, safe way. After creating a personal account for free, SpiderOak lets you select which files and folders you want to share and uploads the content to a 2GB web space you're given for free with your account. Then you can simply go on with your work while SpiderOak uploads all the data to their server.

Besides being a storage and backup service, you can also use SpiderOak as a way to share files online. After uploading content to your SpiderOak account, you're offered the chance to share it (all of it or just selected items) on a personal page hosted in the SpiderOak servers. In this way your family and friends can access your photos, videos, documents or any other files you want to share.

The best thing about SpiderOak is undoubtedly its simplicity of use, together with the fact that is cross-platform; that is, it can be used in Windows, Mac and Linux. And if I have to point out any weakness that would be that it takes way too long for SpiderOak shared spaces to be available online ? even if it's only a few pictures you're sharing on them.

SpiderOak is probably one of the easiest ways to store and share any kind of files online, no matter what operating system you're using.

Recent changes
  • Do not include ShareRoom password support from previous beta
  • Add digital signature to Mac builds

Review last updated: 14/06/12

  • Cross-platform
  • Very easy to use
  • Useful for storing and sharing
  • Shared spaces take a while to be available

Download SpiderOak 4.6.9945

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vendredi 1 février 2013

Download Eden Eternal Free

Download Eden Eternal Free

Eden Eternal is a massive multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG) set in a magical world with anime touches.

Play a hero in Eden Eternal whose aim is to set conflict straight against warring magical races on the Central Continent. As the game progresses, you can evolve your character and ultimately end up controlling up to 12 different classes - if you're skilled enough. As you make your way through the game, you'll also get to know more about the different warring races that populate Central Continent, which really supplements the game-playing experience.

The storyline in Eden Eternal is quite broad, which invites exploration and interaction with other characters. This comes in the form of talking, purchasing items, as well as fighting, of course. It's ultimately up to you to decide how you approach each scenario.

Eden Eternal has players from around the world. You can form alliances or duke out battles with them. Unfortunately, it often seems like you're alone in the game, suggesting a small player base for Eden Eternal thus far.

In terms of graphics though, Eden Eternal is beautiful and doesn't fail to impress. The background music also supplements the graphics and storyline as you go. In addition, character movements are fluid, and fight scenes are challenging and fun.

Eden Eternal is an MMORPG that will immerse you in another world with lovely graphics and challenging gameplay.

Review last updated: 15/06/12

  • Lovely graphics
  • Character evolution system
  • Great storyline
  • Fluid fighting system
  • Lengthy registration and installation process
  • Few players online

Download Eden Eternal

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Download Google+Facebook 0.72.57 (Firefox) Free

Download Google+Facebook 0.72.57 (Firefox) Free

Google+Facebook is a free browser plug-in for Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Browser that lets you check your Facebook feed in Google+.

After installing Google+Facebook on your browser and authorizing the plug-in to access your Facebook account, you?ll see a new button on the interface in Google+: the Facebook logo, on the left side of the top button bar. Clicking this button will display your Facebook wall right on Google+, without having to load Facebook on another tab.

Google+Facebook also includes a quick status update field so that you can add your personal messages to Facebook from Google+. However these messages are limited to text ? you can?t, for example, share links or post a photo. Also, the moment you click on anyone?s profile, Google+Facebook immediately takes you to the original Facebook site.

Despite these limitations, Google+Facebook is a handy way to check what your friends are up to in both social networks without having to be constantly switching from one to another.

With Google+Facebook you can access your Facebook wall from the Google + interface.

  • Check Facebook wall in Google+
  • Lets you update the Facebook status
  • Nicely integrated into Google+
  • Lacks some Facebook functions

Download Google+Facebook 0.72.57 (Firefox)

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Download Tweet Button 2.1.0 Free

Download Tweet Button 2.1.0 Free

Tweet Button is a very simple, but useful, extension for Chrome that allows you to directly share the page you're visiting via your Twitter account.

Using Tweet Button couldn't be more simple: install the extension and click on the little bird that appears to the right of the address bar. You'll be asked to authorize the add-on to tweet in your name, and once that's done, simply hit the icon again to tweet the page you're on. With Tweet Button, you can do this directly, without going via the Twitter website.

To make things simpler, Tweet Button also automatically shortens URLs and offers statistics on the links you have tweeted. Although Tweet Button is very short on extras and configuration options, it's a solid, useful way of adding more Twitter functionality to Chrome.

Tweet Button's a practical Twitter extension that really adds value to Chrome.

Review last updated: 26/06/12

  • Quick and easy to use
  • Practical
  • Keeps click stats for links
  • Only 1 link shortener
  • Not very flexible

Download Tweet Button 2.1.0

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Download ESET NOD32 Antivirus Free

Download ESET NOD32 Antivirus Free

ESET NOD32 Antivirus is an antivirus program for people who prefer to have simpler apps, even if that means that they have access to a limited range of tools.

This is the case of ESET NOD32 Antivirus, an anti-virus tool that you may find simpler than other similar applications, but this simplicity is precisely the key to its success. In fact, NOD32 is one of the most popular anti-virus apps among computer users.

ESET NOD32 Antivirus is easy to install and launches without even restarting the system (something most anti-virus tools require after installation). The program has a simple, straightforward design, though you'll soon discover that this is actually the Standard mode display and that you can choose the Advanced mode if you prefer to have more options and tools at your fingertips.

ESET NOD32 Antivirus includes basic anti-virus tools such as system analysis, antispyware filters, filters to exclude certain applications, a scheduling tool for automatic analysis and seamless integration within Windows Explorer. Being used to more complex anti-virus solutions though, I missed having an email and web browsing filter. Also, I found the Settings menu a bit too hidden and difficult to use. Apart from these small flaws, ESET NOD32 Antivirus is definitely worth a try, especially if you want to have a simple, hassle-free anti-virus that takes care of your system and doesn't bother you all the time.

ESET NOD32 Antivirus may be simpler than other anti-virus tools, but it's perfect for users who prefer an easy, unobtrusive app even if that means giving up on certain advanced functions.

Review last updated: 20/06/12

  • Very easy to install and configure
  • Two display modes
  • Perfect for novice users
  • Easy on system resources
  • Rescue CD
  • It lacks some advanced functions found in other similar tools

Download ESET NOD32 Antivirus

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mardi 29 janvier 2013

Download Batman The Dark Knight Rises Theme for Windows 7 Free

Download Batman The Dark Knight Rises Theme for Windows 7 Free

Batman The Dark Knight Rises Theme is a desktop theme for Windows 7 PCs.

Serious Batman fans have been waiting for The Dark Knight Rises for quite some time. Now the date is nearing for the movie to be released in theaters in the US and worldwide. Up the excitement and get ready for this epic cinematic conclusion with Batman The Dark Knight Rises Theme.

Batman The Dark Knight Rises Theme includes six high quality images from the upcoming movie to whet your appetite for all things Batman. As an added plus, the images will rotate every 30 minutes to keep your desktop fresh.

Unfortunately, this is otherwise a pretty simple theme. It doesn't include sound effects or customized desktop icons, which might disappoint some users.

Batman The Dark Knight Rises Theme is a basic theme, but there's no denying the high quality of the wallpaper images that hardcore Batman fans will appreciate.

Review last updated: 11/07/12

  • Includes 6 great quality images
  • Option to rotate images every 30 minutes
  • Doesn't include customized icons

Download Batman The Dark Knight Rises Theme for Windows 7

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